So here's the deal: I can't do the bike in the morning and run in the afternoon thing. And I can't really wait until the afternoon to ride. So I'm going at 8. Yeah, it'll be cold. Point of origin is negotiable, but I have to be at my house at 11:30. Oh, and the wind will be from the south.
Crappity-crap crap. I'm going to my dad's birthday breakfast in the AM. I was hoping to do a ride in the afternoon.
Crap. Woulda been nice to see 2007 off with a Shabbos + 1 ride, but that's the way it goes.
Man, I went on a mountain bike ride over at Lake Manawa today and my core is toast. It was fun and taught me a lot of bike handling. Good times.
Let me know if your afternoon opens up, otherwise we'll have to break in the Shabbos-y goodness for '08.
Damn. My afternoon isn't going to open up. Lunch just got moved from 12 to 1, but I'm still planning on leaving at 8. Or maybe 8:30 now.
I have an idea for Monday, though. Do you have to work? It's supposed to snow, but here's what I'm thinking:
How far do you think you can run? Perhaps a New Year's Eve half marathon ...
More crappity-crap crap. We don't have that day off, but I'm thinking I'll be done by 3:30pm or so. We can go for a late evening run? I did almost 11 miles with Brady that one day and I was fine, so another couple wouldn't kill me.
Let me know what you think.
I don't think I'm going to have time if we start that late. We're going out for dinner early-ish. Damn. Maybe I'll try it myself.
Who's up for a run this weekend? Run or ride?
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