Thursday, June 25, 2009

Back to life..Back to reality

I've been "out of the loop" for about a week. On Thursday of last week, my brother, mom, and I headed off for a weekend of family happenings. 2 surprise birthday parties and a funeral. All within 3 days and all in very different locations. Let's just say we drove a ton over the 4 days.

For some reason, my phone was not working till we got to Denver. I then found out about Bryan's horrible mishap. I called as soon as I could, but wasn't much help. Brady had the great idea of visiting him with a video game system to pass the time. Brady's such a good friend, ain't he? I did tell Bryan that I was planning on stopping by as soon as I got back into Omaha. Well Bryan, if you're wondering why that hasn't happened, I have a very good excuse.

I hab a code. I'm sick with something that involves a runny/clogging nose, and a bad cough, with overall achieness. I really didn't want to share the wealth with someone trying to heal a broken back. So once I'm no longer coughing/sneezing/sniffling, I'll come over and visit for a while. You'll probably be back at the bike shop by then, so maybe I'll visit there.

Anywho, I don't think I'll be up for any long rides this weekend since I'll still be hacking up a lung occasionally and the humid air does not do my gunk filled chest any favors. So that's my update. I'm back to reality, but in a cold-fog induced state.

1 comment:

Miles said...

So, its looking like an hr and a half or so jaunt at 7 AM on Sunday morning from Crane Going to be super relaxed and recovery type pace so all y'all that are on the fence come out it'll be a good time.