Friday, February 06, 2009

Plans? Plans?

If you are one of the 2 or three people who still follow my blog and check in for ride plans, here's what I know.


Ok, but seriously.  SATURDAY, 2 known options so far:

1. 10am Kohls at 72nd and Pacific.  Hop along for the Spence Pain Train.  There will be speed and there won't be stops.  Bring your lungs and your legs and give em hell.

2. 5pm at EB's house, then ride downtown to watch some filmage, then ride around like a bunch of crazies(?) 

What am I doing?  I have no idea.  I'd like to ride with the fasties, but I'd also like to ride with a group for more than an hour, as they'd likely drop me pretty darn quick.  And I'm ok with that.  By mid summer, I plan on being in shape enough to join them again.  And the evening thing sounds intriguing, but I'll be in dispose from 3pm on.  So if anyone else has a ride planned for morning or noon or till 2pm, let me know.


Again, I have no idea.  Bryan may be waiting for me to make a decision, and I'm waiting for someone else to pipe up and give some time guidelines.  If anyone has a timeline, let us know.  I'm open all day so make a choice and I'll be there.


bryan said...

On Sunday, there's a good chance I'll be riding after lunch for an easy 2-3 hours. Don't know the start or destination yet.

Biker Bob/Runner Bob said...

On Saturday there is also the 12:00 Bike Masters group. Some fast, some not.

I've got plans Saturday and will be lucky to get any miles let alone be able to coordinate with anyone else.

Sunday, I'd only be able to manage a 7:00-8:00am till 10:00am type ride.

munsoned said...

Hhmmm. Sunday I could ride in the AM with Bob, eat lunch somewhere out NW, then meet up with Bryan for some more miles? Could be a great long day in the saddle.

Bob, let me know if you want to meet earlier for more miles, or later for just a "down to Aksarben and back" type of ride. I'm good either way.

Bryan, post here when you nail down a timeline for Sunday, and I'll make sure to partake in the AM coffee each day to prevent withdrawal headaches this time.

RD said...

here is another option for you
saturday not so fast group Where ever you go enjoy the weather 50's in feb.... shaaaaa

munsoned said...

RD, if I get my mtb up and going by tomorrow morning, I'll join you. That sounds like a fun one.

RD said...

i'll be on my cross bike but that should be least windy ride

munsoned said...

Oh yeah, it's gonna be like 20 mph out of the NW huh? The ride home will kinda suck, but if we're just riding for fun, we'll just take turns and take it easy.

Again, if I can either mount some off-roadish tires to my current bike, or put together my mtb, I'll be at the bridge by 8:30am.

bryan said...

according to the Weather Channel, it looks more like 10 mph wind from the WNW.

munsoned said...

Well crap. I gotta bail on all rides. I've been letting stuff pile up for a while that I need to get done. My glasses are old and messed up to the point of being uncomfortable to wear, we need to get some groceries, and our place is a mess.

Sorry guys. Have plenty of fun out there and ride safe!

munsoned said...

Bob, if you read this, are we still a go for Sunday AM?

Bryan, when are you heading out?

bryan said...

noon. 3.5 hours. I have stories to tell.

Miles said...

Where you riding from Bryan?

munsoned said...

I'm there. Place to be meeting?

bryan said...

we can go from my house if you want. Then you can snag iLife and some DVDs.

munsoned said...

Unless Mr. Miles objects, we can meet at Bryan's place and head out from there. I'll be tired, but I need the exercise after bailing out of so many rides.

Miles said...

That should work, see you then.