Thursday, December 24, 2009

Hibernation and Rest Week

So, this forecast looks conducive to some activities but riding a bicycle outside isn't that high on the list in my opinion, some of y'all have a different viewpoint as to what constitutes decent weather for outside riding, but the weekend highs combined with this purported snowfall lead me to think that the trainer will be the safest place to hide this weekend. So this weekend, you can find me in my basement watching the 2006 Tour, knocking out a power test, and possibly eating some Christmas cookies... its my rest week anyways so why not...

Munson hasn't posted this week, so I'm not entirely sure he made it back fr0m our gravel adventure last Sunday. In case he didn't make it back, I tried to pay a small homage to him in that extremely long run-on sentence above.

Anyways Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to everyone. If anybody wants to suffer together maybe we can post up a trainer session somewhere.


munsoned said...

If I could borrow your spare trainer, I'd be in for some "road to nowhere" miles. Either that, or I could repo my trainer from Bryan. But then I'd be tempted to use it during the week. And who wants to do that??

Shim said...


bryan said...

trainer ... repo ... wait, what?

munsoned said...

Bryan, has my trainer been sitting at Trek store this whole time? Am I just that lazy?

bryan said...

no, it's at my house.

I mean ... I don't have your trainer. What are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

Brim over I to but I contemplate the collection should secure more info then it has.