Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dare you not to laugh.

I burst out laughing a few times.

So is that bol in text speak?

I finally rode this morning to work. I had to wait this week till it got down to the negative digits to give it a go. Took the bus Monday and actually drove yesterday (GASP!). But it's back to biking full time. I'll echo several people's comments and say that studded tires make it seem like you're riding on velcro. I have no idea how little metal nubs on cyclocross tires can do that, but I was totally confident riding in, if not a bit slower because of the "riding on gravel" effect of studs. Granted, just 1 day after the snow ended, the streets are really well plowed. Kudos to Omaha's new snow emergency practice and plowing team!

Even though it was cold as the ass of death this morning, I was sweaty by the time I got to work. I had on a medium weight wool base layer, a cycling vest, then a Red wool lumberjack shirt over that. I got the shirt from my Mom on Christmas. I love it. I probably could have done without the cycling vest and been warm enough this morning. The only part that got cold on me were my thighs. I had on cycling shorts, thermal leg warmers and nylon pants over that. Of course also I had the obligatory balaclava under the helmet, lobster gloves, and heavy wool socks under the shoes setup.

Hope everyone stays warm and enjoys their day!

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