So let's recap.
Or don't, if you don't want to. I usually don't update this thing very often so there'll probably be plenty of time to come back and read my bitching and complaining.
March - Wife and I bought a house. Holy crap that's a crazy experience and continues to be, based on all the crap that needs to get done. We unpacked, mostly, the weather started to get nice and our 2 trees out front attempted to procreate with everything around our establishment, which required many sessions of cleanups. Ew..Tree spooge. One major thing that didn't get unpacked is our garage. I threw all my bike stuff in there during the move and of course added a few things - lawnmower, leftover items from the previous owners, etc. So my bike workshop is not up and running. It feels very wrong, but I can't do anything about it, being busy with all the other crap I do - 3 jobs, cleaning the yard, etc.
Along with all of this I became Calamity Mike. I've had a bout of bad luck which started with severe gastroenteritis, sprinkled with being hit by a car and the after effects of that. Then most recently, I attempted to take off my thumb when changing the blade on my razor.
The razor is great, and the blades are super cheap, but just make sure when changing the blade, you hold the head with a folded over towel, rather than you bare hand when it's early in the morning and you're barely awake. Otherwise you'll have a gusher on your hands - literally.
All of these are, again, excuses as to why I haven't been riding much. I have flickering moments when I feel like I really want to be out riding, but that's usually right when I've slated the day to do raking, mowing, gutter cleaning, grocery shopping, etc.